Sunday, 21 June 2020

Clan Skraggskritt

Following on from all the Greenskins I've been showing recently I've decided to continue with the forces of evil and so we come to the Skaven. Now this is a fairly new army for me and is made up mostly of BTD Vermen figures. The army itself consists of 2 units of 40 clanrats, 25 storm vermin, 20 plague monks, 20 gutter runners, a large unit of giant rats and handlers, 6 rat ogres, 3 assassins, 6 poison wind golbadiers, 6 plague censor bearers, 3 warp fire throwers, 1 poison wind mortar, 6 jezail teams, 1 plague priest, 1 grey seer, 2 warlords, 1 warlock and a Vermin Lord. I need to source some big guns/artillery for them as they haven't fared very well against their regular dwarf opponents.

So first up are the Storm Vermin

All 5 of the painted Stormvermin! With a 5th Ed Bret Man at Arms and a 4th Ed plastic Goblin for size comparison.

Narskritch gut ripper is the leader of the Stormvermin.

Next are the Poison Wind Globadiers

And that's it for Skaven none of the rest is painted yet. This will be a slow burn army as I'll slot them in around the main focus which are the Bretonnians and the Orcs n Goblins.

Next time I think I'll change tack and focus on some scenery.


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