Following on from all the Greenskins I've been showing recently I've decided to continue with the forces of evil and so we come to the Skaven. Now this is a fairly new army for me and is made up mostly of BTD Vermen figures. The army itself consists of 2 units of 40 clanrats, 25 storm vermin, 20 plague monks, 20 gutter runners, a large unit of giant rats and handlers, 6 rat ogres, 3 assassins, 6 poison wind golbadiers, 6 plague censor bearers, 3 warp fire throwers, 1 poison wind mortar, 6 jezail teams, 1 plague priest, 1 grey seer, 2 warlords, 1 warlock and a Vermin Lord. I need to source some big guns/artillery for them as they haven't fared very well against their regular dwarf opponents.
So first up are the Storm Vermin
All 5 of the painted Stormvermin! With a 5th Ed Bret Man at Arms and a 4th Ed plastic Goblin for size comparison. |
Narskritch gut ripper is the leader of the Stormvermin. |
Next are the Poison Wind Globadiers
And that's it for Skaven none of the rest is painted yet. This will be a slow burn army as I'll slot them in around the main focus which are the Bretonnians and the Orcs n Goblins.
Next time I think I'll change tack and focus on some scenery.